19 Bickley Country Drive, Huntsville, Ontario, P1H 1Y4
Paediatric Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
What is Paediatric Pelvic Health?
Paediatric Pelvic Health is a specific and focused subset of physiotherapy that targets specific concerns relating to pelvic health conditions and symptoms in children from 4 years of age to 17 years of age.
Pelvic floor dysfunctions are more common than you think, but we often do not talk about them! 10% of children over 4 years of age still experience some form of bowel and bladder dysfunction.
Paediatric pelvic health physiotherapy can help with effective, evidence-based treatment solutions. However, kids are different from adults so paediatric pelvic health treatments are different as well! It is a non-invasive treatment which helps families gain control of any dysfunction and challenges their child may be experiencing.
Who Can We Help?
There are a variety of conditions or symptoms your child may be experiencing that can benefit from this type of physiotherapy. These include but are not limited to the following:
● Bedwetting ( Enuresis)
● Daytime Incontinence or leaking (This may also include giggle incontinence, leaking when you laugh or leaking with sports or other activities)
● Constipation ( A child may experience a daily bowel movement but yet still experience constipation, which is a major factor in many other bowel and bladder dysfunctions)
● Fecal Incontinence
● Urge Disorders (lack of urge, increased urge or overactive bladder)
● Dysfunctional Voiding
● Withholding
● Infrequent or Frequent urination
● Pelvic Pain
What is the Pelvic Floor and Why is it Important?
The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that are located at the bottom of the pelvis attaching to the front of the pelvis (pubic bone), back of the pelvis (tailbone) and sides of the pelvis (sit bones). These muscles allow a child to support their deep core, maintain control of their bowel and bladder as well as support the organs in the pelvis. If the pelvic floor muscles become dysfunctional then a variety of bowel and bladder problems as mentioned above may persist.
What to Expect and How Can It Help?
Pelvic floor sessions are provided by a Registered Physiotherapist with additional training in Paediatric Pelvic Health. Initial assessments are an hour long and involve a thorough medical and developmental history and discussion of any symptoms your child may be experiencing. Evaluation of your child’s bowel and bladder habits will be discussed with further follow up discussion and more in depth tracking to be completed at a follow up appointment. Physical examination includes a general musculoskeletal examination as well as an external examination of the pelvic floor region and function with patient consent.
Children and families will benefit from pelvic floor physiotherapy by working collaboratively with the therapist to determine a plan which may include but are not limited to:
● Education on the pelvic floor muscles and bowel and bladder function
● Modifications to daily habits
● Infrequent or Frequent urination
● Increasing deep core strength and general strength
● Working on relaxation and coordination techniques
● A care plan that is individually tailored to your child.
Call or email to book your appointment!